A 10-Minute Minimalist Makeup Tutorial: Gleaming Rose Gold Wings With Glossy Cheeks and Lips

nudestix golden rose top pic
You CAN do this in 10 minutes!

I’ve been wearing this look with gleaming rose gold wings and glossy cheeks and lips lately, most recently to brunch with my friend Cindy, and on the day I did this side-roll ponytail tutorial.

It’s borderline glam, which I like, but it’s still quick and easy. From start to finish, you can do this in 10 minutes.

There are three things about this look that help keep the time from spiraling out of control.

nudestix golden rose breakdown

1. The concealer is doing the heavy lifting.

I’m not wearing any foundation at all. There’s just a medium-coverage liquid concealer with a natural satin finish, which I’m using for spot treatments to even out specific places, and I’ve chosen a liquid concealer that can be built up in layers wherever I need the extra coverage (it’s nice to have that option).

2. Pressed powder gives you more control.

The concealer is set with a medium-coverage pressed powder, which is handy for 10-minute looks, whereas loose powder is usually messier… Pressed is just easier for me to grab and go.

Also, pressed powder tends to look sheerer than loose powder does for me, which provides a lot more control over how much powder actually ends up my skin.

Basically, I’d rather apply less product and have to build it up to the coverage I want than accidentally apply too much powder and have to remove the excess… It’s always easier to add makeup than take it away, IMO.

3. A creamy eyeshadow pencil corrects any mistakes with the liquid liner.

Running the cream shadow along the edge of the liquid liner helps to hide any dips and imperfections. There’s also a subtle transition of shine from the high beam gleam of the liquid liner to the softer shimmer of the pencil, which gives some subtle complexity to the liner.

Alright… Are you ready for the breakdown? I hope so, because here we go! 🙂

nudestix golden rose breakdown
Before and after

nudestix golden rose k eye closeup
A closer look at the lids…

TOOLS (products I used are in italic):

  • A tool to blend your concealer and gel blush — a synthetic blending brush, beautyblender or your fingers (I used the MAC 187s)
  • A brow gel (I used Hourglass Arch Brow Gel in Warm Brunette)
  • A black mascara (Tarte Lights Camera Lashes)
  • A brown pencil liner (MAC Teddy)
  • A metallic rose gold liquid liner (NUDESTIX Rock ‘N’ Roller Easy Eyeliner Ink in Golden Rosé)
  • A shimmery cream eyeshadow pencil (NUDESTIX Magnetic Luminous Eye Color in Nudity)
  • A medium-coverage concealer with a satin or matte finish(I used MAC Studio Waterweight Concealer in NW30 for the under-eye area and NC42 for the rest of my face)
  • A medium-coverage pressed powder with a tint (MAC Studio Waterweight Powder in Medium Golden)
  • A cream or gel crayon that you can wear on both your lips and cheeks (NUDESTIX Ally from the Nude(art)ist: Love Me Nudes Natural Edition kit)

nudestix golden rose tutorial products


  1. Begin by applying and blending concealer wherever you want/need coverage.
  2. Conceal your dark circles, if you have them.
  3. Set concealer with powder (but skip the apples of your cheeks).
  4. Fill in your brows with the brow gel.
  5. Tightline your upper lash line, and then line your lower water line with the brown pencil.
  6. Draw a flick at the outer corner of your eye with the gold, or rose gold, liquid liner.
  7. Line your upper lash line with the same liquid liner, and connect it to the flick.
  8. Run the golden shimmery cream eyeshadow pencil along the edge of the liquid liner on your lids, but leave the flick bare, so it stays crisp.
  9. Line your lower lash line with the cream eyeshadow pencil.
  10. Coat your upper and lower lashes with mascara.
  11. Line and fill in your lips with the cream or gel crayon.
  12. Finish by blending the gel crayon atop the apples 🍎 of your cheeks.

All done. 😊

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
