Rhinoplasty(Nose Job) – Is It Safe?


By Dr Anubhav Gupta , Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, basically refers to a surgical procedure used to change the shape of your nose. It is usually done to change the size of the nose – to make it smaller or larger. It is also done to alter the angle of the nose with respect to your upper lip or change the tip of the nose. It is also used to correct any sort of dents in the nose or similar defects. On various occasions, it has been seen that a nose job helps to cure problems related to breathing or nasal congestion.

During the procedure, the incision is usually made on the inside part of the nose such that it does not leave behind any sort of scars after the procedure. The procedure basically involves removing any part of the cartilages, bones or tissues inside the nose which give a bad shape to the nose. After removing the tissue, the surgeon basically covers the nose with a bandage usually along with a splint to give support to the structure of the nose.

The procedure is considered to be very safe and is not known to cause further complications if performed correctly. However, these are a few minor risks associated with nose jobs, but that can be done away with quite easily. The common risk involves excessive bleeding, skin disorders like necrosis or irritation. Occasionally, you might also sustain an injury in your septum (which is the tissue lining that separates your nostrils) or suffer from some sort of nasal blockages that may occur due to the swelling. Though sometimes an infection may also develop inside your nose that can be gotten rid off rather easily using antibiotics.

The results of a rhinoplasty can be major or minor depending on the nature of the operation performed and the scale of correction required. The results are permanent and often satisfactory, although sustaining further injuries can result in further structural changes. The most important thing that has to be considered is that the surgery should be performed on a fully grown nose since further development in the nasal structure can render the changes due to the procedure invalid.