Spring/Summer Sunscreen Advice With Dr. Katie Beleznay

In the latest issue of Real Style Magazine, Vancouver-based Dr. Katie Beleznay answers some of your most pressing spring/summer sunscreen related questions. Read below for an excerpt.


1. What are your top tips for keeping skin in optimal condition during the summer months?

1. Sun protection is a must: Try to avoid the sun particularly during the peak hours between 10 and 4; However, we all want to enjoy those sunny days as well, so to help protect every morning make sure to put on a generous amount of sunscreen SPF 30 or higher. Look for a sunscreen labeled as broad spectrum that protects against both UVA and UVB. Apply it liberally; you should be applying a shot glass full for the exposed areas and a full teaspoon just for your face. For those with sensitive or acne-prone skin, there are many different formulations available that may be a good fit and your dermatologist may have some recommendations. Reapply it every couple of hours that you are in the sun. Broad brimmed hats and clothing are important to help protect as well. You can look for something with UPF (UV protective factor) built in.

2. Don’t forget your lips and eyes: It’s important to remember to protect your eyes in the sun as well. Sunscreen around the eyes as well as sunglasses are important. Lips often get forgotten or covered with lip gloss which may not protect at all! Add on an SPF containing lip balm or sunscreen stick as part of your lip care routine.

3. Consider an antioxidant like vitamin C: Certain formulations of topical vitamin C have been shown to be potent antioxidants and photoprotective. Consider adding this as part of your morning care routine in the summer.

4. Moisturize: Many patients need to up their moisture content in the winter; however, keeping the skin hydrated in the summer is important too. Applying a moisturizer after a shower or bath can help seal in the moisture and give your skin a nice healthy glow.

5. Wear breathable fabrics: Cotton and lighter loose-fitting clothing may be necessary in the hot summer months. Tight fitting clothing can cause irritation and rubbing which when combined with sweat can lead to some irritating skin rashes.


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