Celebrity Dermatologist Dr. Harold Lancer’s Budget Cleanser Pick


Dr. Harold Lancer is one of Hollywood’s most respected dermatologists with a client list that includes Kim Kardashian and Michelle Williams. When he talks skincare, people listen.

In a recent interview with USA Today, he talked the importance of properly cleansing the face. For clear skin, Dr. Lancer swears that “the best thing is to use a small cotton washcloth, some plain, low-astringent liquid cleanser, warm water, your hands, and just rub a dub scrub.” That’s it.

He recommends popular drugstore cleanser Cetaphil for those who want a simple option. Long recommended by dermatologists across North America, Cetaphil is priced under $10 and is non-drying and great for those with problem skin. If you need an affordable, effective cleanser, Cetaphil is a great pick.