Makeup Experiments: Trying “Just One Thing”

 wander beauty mile high mascara
Only wearing one piece of makeup — Wander Beauty Mascara in Mile High Club

The other day I asked you what makeup you’d pick to wear if you could only wear “just one thing.” I picked mascara, mostly because I had a hunch that for me it would make the overall biggest impact on my look and give the most bang for my buck, since it has the whole eye-widening effect thang.

I’ve been thinking about my answer since then, though… I’ve been wondering what it would really look like to wear just one piece of makeup, because really, when does one ever wear “just one piece of makeup?” It’s usually all or nothing for me, but still…what would it look like? Would it look like I forgot to do a few steps before leaving the house? Like something is missing?

I decided to do a quick test! In each of these shots, I’m only wearing one piece of makeup.

First up, two coats of mascara (the top pic) and nothing else. I would definitely feel comfortable wearing just mascara because it doesn’t feel like anything is “missing” to me.

Next up, concealer.

Yup, just concealer. Nothing else!

charlotte tilbury magic away liquid concealer
Charlotte Tilbury Magic Away Concealer in 8

I’m wearing it here underneath my eyes, around my nose and on my cheeks, and while I like that my skin looks more even, I feel like I look like I forgot to put on lipstick and blush, ha ha! Maybe that’s because the concealer seems almost too polished? Hmmm… Interesting!

And how about brows?

nars atacama
NARS Brow Pencil in Atacama

OK, I don’t mind this. I think that filling in your brows can have a similar effect to using mascara in that it opens up the eyes a bit… Who’d a thunk it? I also like how balanced things look with just my brows done.

I think the trick here, though, is to pull back a little, because if I’d done a super strong brow, all you’d see is BROWS BROWS BROWS.

urban decay naked lipstick
Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Naked

Here’s just lipstick, and I’m cool with this too because I like how the color creates some interesting contrast.

mac fleur power blush
MAC Blush in Fleur Power

Same thing with blush. Just the smallest dusting adds a tiny bit of dimension.

Note to self: If I’m ever gonna roll out the door wearing just one piece of makeup, then mascara, lipstick, blush or brow pencil would be solid choices. If you’re ever stuck inside on a rainy day, you can try this exact same experiment (you can even take pics with your phone).

If you do try it, let me know what you find out!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
