The MAC Jeremy Scott Lip X 9 Future Emotions Is Made for Mixing

mac jeremy scott lip 9 x future emotions happy song living in stereo
Wearing Happy Song and Living in Stereo, two lipsticks from the new MAC Jeremy Scott collection, mixed together.

Seriously, this packaging is amazing! All of the details are completely there. THIS IS A LIP PALETTE, PEOPLE. But it totally looks like a mix tape. I can see it sitting on the floor of my little red Honda Civic back in the day. (Side note: it would have been filled with songs that I recorded off the radio on KMEL.)

This is NOT a MAC mix tape, obvs. It’s the $25 MAC Lip X 9 Future Emotions lip palette, and it has nine of MAC’s non-shiny lipsticks inside, so Matte, Amplified and Satin finishes in bright and deep shades like pink, purple, orange — the bold route. There’s only one nude, and everything else is like BAM!

mac jeremy scott lip 9 x future emotions open 2

Unlike lip palettes where, when you dip a brush or a finger into the pans, they’re so soft that you accidentally dig a fingernail into them, the lippies in this palette feel hard and kind of stiff. They don’t exactly glide, and they definitely feel a little drier than usual for MAC… When I wear them, I feel like I need to constantly put lip balm on, before and after.

mac jeremy scott lip 9 x future emotions swatches

That said, if you don’t have super dry lips like I do, and flaking is never an issue for you, it’s a fun palette, especially if you like to mix colors. You can basically throw any of these shades together and create something pretty.

Like, yesterday I was doing some experimenting, and I literally mixed two or three colors without any real rhyme or reason, and everything looked flattering (at least I thought so).

The only thing is, they’re super drying.

mac jeremy scott lip 9 x future emotions violetta wild memories
Violetta mixed with Wild Memories
mac jeremy scott lip 9 x future emotions happy song breathing fire
Happy Song mixed with Breathing Fire

Also, the MAC website says that all nine shades are LE, but I could’ve sworn that Morange was permanent?! I dunno… Details, schmetails.

Either way, the palette won’t be around forever, so if you want to get into the mix — hahaha! — don’t wait too long.

By the way, this Jeremy Scott guy’s style is pretty out there… It’s like that one kid at the club in the ’90s who would show up to the party wearing his little sister’s Care Bears sweatshirt.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
